Sunday, August 2, 2009

How do you stop root pain in a tooth that has broken off?

Hi, I have a back tooth that broke off awhile ago. Now the root is slightly exposed and it hurts like crazy. I went to the hospitol and they tried to block it. stuck a big needle in it and shot it up with something. They also gave me Tylenol 3. But nothing has stopped the pain yet. Is there a basic home remedy that will help ease the pain? please help I am desperate


How do you stop root pain in a tooth that has broken off?
Get some needle nose pliers and pull the tooth or whats left of it!
Reply:Try some dent temp. You can buy it at any drug store.
Reply:Back to the dentist, root canal and cap. Sounds as though those roots are infected. ASAP!
Reply:You need to see a dentist. It may need a root canal (where they remove the root causing the pain and cover the tooth with a cap)
Reply:the same thing actually happened to me. you go to the dentist and ask him to take care of it. and if that doesn't work theres a trick my teacher did pinch yourself on the arm so you concentrate on that but try the dentist.
Reply:My mother broke one of her teeth and the roots were exposed, it was causing her massive pain. She took some soft wax (from a candle, after it cooled) and put it over that tooth. It covered the nerves and the pain was gone so that she was able to manage until she went to the dentist again. Good luck.
Reply:No - only a root canal will stop the pain. You need to see a dentists ASAP, and stop taking Tylenol 3, as it is highly addictive.

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