Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Any Ideas To Hide or Cover Broken Front Tooth For a Job Interview Until I Can Get To a Dentist?

I recently fell and broke parts of both of my front top teeth. I have an important job interview later this week and this looks very bad and will not make a good impression! Going to a dentist before the interview is OUT - I have no insurance, not nearly enough cash and the "free" places for low income people require a long wait. It is not hurting so I don't have a pain emergency at this time. If I can get this job obviously I can have the insurance and funds I need for the repair.

I'd be willing to stick anything in, on or around the teeth that would make it look at least better. I'm thinking there must be some substance I could mold on the teeth to at least have an improved look - some kind of modeling clay? Car body shop materials? And it would be good if I could match the color to my other teeth, at least somewhat, or match my other teeth to the color of the "fix it" stuff - either way, I don't care. Any ideas would be very gratefully considered - no matter how "crazy"! Thanks!

Any Ideas To Hide or Cover Broken Front Tooth For a Job Interview Until I Can Get To a Dentist?
When people had a problem with their front teeth but couldn't afford to use a dentist, they would use candle wax or chewing gum or a combination of both until they had the right color.

If you have a problem matching it to your other teeth, then cover any teeth that might show when you speak. This is an old trick from the past.

Don't grin and show your teeth under any circumstances during the interview. Just smile lot.

This is an extremely temporary fix, but it should get you through the interview. Practice using it in front of the mirror.

Oh, try out different shades of white chewing gum.(Wrigley's Double-mint is a good one.) Same goes for the candle wax.

Good luck. Hope you get the job so you can have your teeth fixed for real.
Reply:Take a bit of melted wax, roll it between your fingers (combined with a bit of the chewed chewing gum) and mold it to fit onto you broken took. You ight put a tiny drop of strong clear bonding glue into the mix to make it hold together better. Report It

Reply:Do nothing to hide it. At start of interview explain what happened. Stress the point that you are somewhat embarrassed by the broken tooth, but the interview was much too important to miss. Explain you have a dentist appointment shortly.
Reply:Wow. This is the weirdest Repair and Maintainence question I have yet encountered/

Look in yellow pages for Emergency Dentistry. Call, plead, explain. They can possibly get you some natural looking temp caps until you can get the entire mess fixed.

Recognize you are in trouble financially, but bondo ain't going to do it for you.

Maybe if you smiled with your mouth closed. However, you could also come clean at the beginning of the interview. Any reasonable person would accept a reasonable explanation. I hired a lot of people in my life, and the only reason I would have any doubts would be if you were attempting to avoid a "pre-existing condition" for medical coverage, should the company offer that.
Reply:you can just use your front lip to cover it while you talk.

Reply:I'm pretty sure I have seen products in regular drug stores that could help you. Look near the toothpaste for a section of products like stuff to put on mouth sores. I'm pretty sure I saw some kind of glue for fillings or caps that came loose. Ask the pharmcist if you don't see it or try another store.
Reply:Do what they do in the movies and put a piece of Chiclet gum over it. Try not to smile or yawn a lot in your interview. If the interviewer says something about it, tell him the truth. They might think you are clever and really want the job pretty badly.

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