Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Way To Hide or Cover Broken Front Tooth For a Job Interview Until I Can Get To a Dentist?

I recently fell and broke parts of both of my front top teeth. I have an important job interview later this week and this looks very bad and will not make a good impression! Going to a dentist before the interview is OUT - I have no insurance, not nearly enough cash and the "free" places for low income people require a long wait. It is not hurting so I don't have a pain emergency at this time. If I can get this job obviously I can have the insurance and funds I need for the repair.

I'd be willing to stick anything in, on or around the teeth that would make it look at least better. I'm thinking there must be some substance I could mold on the teeth to at least have an improved look - some kind of modeling clay? Car body shop materials? And it would be good if I could match the color to my other teeth, at least somewhat, or match my other teeth to the color of the "fix it" stuff - either way, I don't care. Any ideas would be very gratefully considered - no matter how "crazy"! Thanks!

Way To Hide or Cover Broken Front Tooth For a Job Interview Until I Can Get To a Dentist?
I honestly would just go to the interview and explain that you just had an accident and have not been able to schedule a dentist appointment. Unless you are interviewing to become a model, I doubt the state of your teeth are going to affect the process much. Most professionals are very understanding of unavoidable situations and won't hold it against you.

If you are very concerned, however, you can get some dental cement from your pharmacy and use it to cover your broken tooth. Good luck on your interview!
Reply:will you let us know how the interview went? Report It

Reply:Oh I don't think that will matter.Come on just do your best sell.
Reply:I live in the UK so this may not be of help but you guys in the US usually do everything better than us lol. In our pharmacy's you can buy a temporary filling kit. It comes with a white putty, a pointy stick and a little mirror like the dentist has. It is intended for filling holes until you can get to the dentist but you might be able to model it to your teeth. I would suggest bringing it down the back to give more adhesion and strength. If you can get this it us usually quite brittle so do it the day of the interview and don't eat or drink any thing until after wards in case it snaps off. The kit here is about £15 which isn't cheap but it might work and at least it wont harm your teeth like some other of the products you mentioned might do. Good luck for your interview.
Reply:Crazy is probably right. If you put something in there, you risk infection, which could cost far more than the trip to the dentist.

I would suggest honesty with this prospective employer, without a lot of details. Apologize for the appearance of your teeth, but that you had an accident and couldn't get to the dentist before the interview. Most people will understand, especially if you let them know that you take your professional appearance very seriously. Dress appropriately for the interview, and show up prepared otherwise.

If you can impress all except for the teeth, and this prospective employer understands about the teeth, it shouldn't be a problem.
Reply:Unfortunately, dental cement is for lost caps or fillings. It won't stay on the front of your teeth. You could try a mouth guard and say that you are in the midst of getting your teeth fixed.. You may be able to get one from a sporting goods store or pharmacy, that can be boiled and then will fit you better.


my cat

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