Sunday, August 2, 2009

Crazy teeth!?

i alwayz have this dream about my teeth breaking in little peices and falling out my mouth and me catching them. Its so nasty; I wake up so scared and i check if i still have them. What in the hell does it mean? And yes my teeth are straight and normal.

Crazy teeth!?
The only thing that I have ever heard regarding losing teeth/part sof teeth in a dream is that it suggests that you have a fear of losing something.
Reply:do you have a dental appointment coming up? I think subconsiously you are affraid of loosing your teeth.
Reply:I have heard many negative interpretations to "teeth" dreams. Falling out, cracking and breaking off, losing one... From what I had read in the past it means that you are currently or will soon be facing major hardships in your life. Serious illness, loss of a loved one, serious financial trouble.

Don't take these to heart though. You may just have a tooth thats bothering you.
Reply:crumbling teeth in your dreams mean you feel as if you are out of control or signifies you are experiencing overwhelming stress
Reply:There is a superstition about dreaming teeth: if they fall out and that hurts you in your dream, that means that someone really close to you will die soon. but when you dream it very often, and especially when you're trying to catch them, that ONLY means that you're too much worried for your loving ones and you're scared what will happen if they die...


try to think about nice things and things that make you happy and you'll never dream such things again. your will-power can always help you :)

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