Sunday, August 2, 2009

My daughter is just one yr old and nearly has a full set of teeth ive noticed that her teeth are breaking?

i mean first one of her side tooth brole in half now her front tooth has broke im very concerned abt what is happening, she is mainly breastfed

My daughter is just one yr old and nearly has a full set of teeth ive noticed that her teeth are breaking?
Phone your doctor 1st thing 2moro and get her seen to asap this should not be happening
Reply:She might need more vitamins and a more balanced diet. Talk to the pediatrician. There are liquid multi-vitamins you can give your daughter. I exclusively breastfed my daughter for 15 months and her teeth didn't break. Good luck!
Reply:are you calcium deficient??
Reply:go to dentist wit her sounds bad tat
Reply:You are not feeding her enough, she is hungry, and grinding her teeth, or chewing the cot!
Reply:has she had a lot of antibiotics? they can cause serious problems with teeth. Get it checked out - this is not right.
Reply:you should take her to the dentist to make sure she doesnt get cavities or infections until her adult teeth come in... and thank goodness we lose our baby teeth in case they break while learning to walk... but you should get her looked at by a dentist because if she hasnt had any trauma to her mouth then something else is going on!
Reply:i would seek the advice of a dentist as soon as possible.
Reply:Just a guess, but she probably needs more nutrients than you are able to give her through her breast milk. I almost exclusively breastfed until my baby was somewhere between 8 1/2 - 9 1/2 months old, but at that point she would get fussy after breastfeeding. My mom pointed out that her tummy wasn't getting full. I started supplementing with food (protein, vegetables and fruit) and she was less fussy. AMA recommends exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 months and then offering other types of food after that. They still recommending supplementing with breastmilk through the first year or two of life. I hope this helps.
Reply:you need to take her to the dentist thats not normal
Reply:I would definitely get her to the doctor and ask for a referral to a pediatric dentist. That is not normal and the root of it needs to be discovered. Please follow through with this and don't rely on internet advice.
Reply:Hmmmmm.....Go see a dentist ASAP!
Reply:You need to talk to her pediatrician right away. Obviously her body isn't getting all the essentials it needs to grow strong and healthy.She is lacking something. Also, make sure you eat a balanced diet since you are breast feeding.
Reply:Does she eat much actual food? She needs sounds like she has a sever deficiancy in something.
Reply:Go to the dentist NOW!
Reply:I would talk to your doctor or health visitor as she may be lacking in certain vitamins. I would also take her to the dentist for a check up as they can give you some advice as well
Reply:Did you breastfeed at night? Do you brush right after breastfeeding? My pediatrician told me not to bother with it or a dentist until 2 just because she couldn't sit for it...and my daughter had to have $3000 worth of dental work! Crowns, fillings, caps-horrendous! I was devastated, but luckily none of her teeth had to be pulled out. Get her to a pediatric dentist immediately and schedule the appt. for dental work. Trust me on this, please!
Reply:get her to the dentist o.m.g. this should not happen

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